Ti-on Sa Pagtuon


Ti-on Sa Pagtuon - Lesson 9 Q3 - Aug 21-27 (Ang Sulundan sang Pahuway)

Watch this week's lesson to know how much we need to depend on God’s Word for understanding truth.

God was there at the beginning. The Lord God spoke, and it was. Light divides the day from the night; firmament, sky, and seas are spoken into existence on the second day; dry land and vegetation follow on the third. God forms the basic framework of time and geography, and then He fills it during the next three days. Lights govern the sky by day and by night. Different from the stories of most ancient cultures, the biblical Creation account makes it abundantly clear that the sun, the moon, or the stars are not deities. They enter into the picture only on the fourth day and are subject to the Creator’s word.

Watch this week's lesson to know how much we need to depend on God’s Word for understanding truth.

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08/25/2021, 9:19 AM