My Story My Song | Davao

My Story, My Song is a heartwarming TV program on Hope Channel Philippines that showcases inspiring personal testimonies through music. Each episode features guests who share their life journeys, faith experiences, and challenges, expressed through songs that have deeply touched their hearts. This program blends storytelling and music to uplift, encourage, and remind viewers of God’s love and faithfulness.

My Story My Song | Davao

About the Show

My Story, My Song is a heartwarming TV program on Hope Channel Philippines that showcases inspiring personal testimonies through music. Each episode features guests who share their life journeys, faith experiences, and challenges, expressed through songs that have deeply touched their hearts. This program blends storytelling and music to uplift, encourage, and remind viewers of God’s love and faithfulness.

My Story My Song | Davao
Media, Music, People, Adventists, Family, Ministries
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