Living for Jesus

What are you living for? What excites you? What is the main focus of your life? Is it money, family, career, fame, power, pleasure, or comfort. All these will come to an end. But when you live for Jesus, He makes your life worth living.

Living for Jesus


Living for Jesus - EP12

The secret of satisfaction

Living for Jesus - EP10

Untroubled hearts in a troubled world

Living for Jesus - EP09

The sensitivity of Jesus

Living for Jesus - EP06

Going wherever He leads

Living for Jesus - EP05

The man who had it all

Living for Jesus - EP03

How much do you love Jesus?

Living for Jesus - EP02

Praying & Singing at Midnight

About the Show

What are you living for? What excites you? What is the main focus of your life? Is it money, family, career, fame, power, pleasure, or comfort. All these will come to an end. But when you live for Jesus, He makes your life worth living. Apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:21 that "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain". In this series "you are invited to experience the beauty of living for Jesus by letting Him be the focus, joy, center, and priority of your life. Because Jesus lived and died for you that you may have life to the fullest, He is indeed worth living for.

Living for Jesus
Sermon, Faith
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