A Renewed Call To Prayer

A Renewed Call To Prayer

President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted N.C. Wilson, calls all Adventist members to continue praying for the conflict in Eastern Europe.

Let us lean on Christ at all times and in all circumstances as we come closer to His soon second coming. The signs tell us we are in the last days of earth’s history. “Jesus Is Coming! Get Involved!"


Dear Seventh-day Adventist church members worldwide,

I am renewing an appeal for special prayer for our church members and all people in Ukraine, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Euro-Asia Division (ESD), Inter-European Division (EUD), and the Trans-European Division (TED). Thank you for having prayed for this very difficult and challenging crisis that is unfolding before us. Pray earnestly for the thousands of people being affected. Please pray asking God to intervene in the crisis so that peace may prevail. Please pray for the wonderful work that our church members are doing to help refugees in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and Russia….in addition to special humanitarian assistance in Ukraine. Praise God for the efforts of ADRA International, ADRA Europe, and ADRA offices in the various countries in Eastern Europe as they work with our church members and church leaders in the European region. We thank our Euro-Asia Division, Inter-European Division, and Trans-European Division for what they are doing to alleviate suffering, following in Christ’s footsteps. Pray for their continued efforts as the refugee crisis grows on a daily basis. May God come close to all those affected by this very difficult and challenging crisis. Let us lean on Christ at all times and in all circumstances as we come closer to His soon second coming. The signs tell us we are in the last days of earth’s history. “Jesus Is Coming! Get Involved!”

Ted N.C. Wilson, President
Seventh-day Adventist World Church

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